Working with Pi V2 Cameras on the Jetson Nano
Helpful Links https://www.jetsonhacks.com/2019/04/02/jetson-nano-raspberry-pi-camera/
Connecting to and Communication Setup for Raw Ubiquity
The Ubiquity defaults to providing a WiFi Access Point (AP) to allow for easy initial communication. Usually, this should be changed so that the Ubiquity logs onto one of your personal networks. https://learn.ubiquityrobotics.com/connecting Logging on in AP Mode The Ubiquity’s AP will appear in your computer’s WiFi list as ubiquityrobot**** where **** will vary from…
The Ubiquity Magni Robot has Arrived!
The Magni robot has arrived. I purchased some (large!) batteries to make sure it has plenty of run time. We had it up and running in 15 minutes…you can control it using a phone app for telepresence mode. It has ROS installed, 5 ultrasonic sensors, and a camera. The bot uses wheel-hub-motors which are whisper…