Category: Spud

  • Working with Pi V2 Cameras on the Jetson Nano

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  • Connecting to and Communication Setup for Raw Ubiquity

    The Ubiquity defaults to providing a WiFi Access Point (AP) to allow for easy initial communication. Usually, this should be changed so that the Ubiquity logs onto one of your personal networks. Logging on in AP Mode The Ubiquity’s AP will appear in your computer’s WiFi list as ubiquityrobot**** where **** will vary from…

  • The Ubiquity Magni Robot has Arrived!

    The Magni robot has arrived. I purchased some (large!) batteries to make sure it has plenty of run time. We had it up and running in 15 minutes…you can control it using a phone app for telepresence mode. It has ROS installed, 5 ultrasonic sensors, and a camera. The bot uses wheel-hub-motors which are whisper…