The Ubiquity defaults to providing a WiFi Access Point (AP) to allow for easy initial communication. Usually, this should be changed so that the Ubiquity logs onto one of your personal networks.
Logging on in AP Mode
The Ubiquity’s AP will appear in your computer’s WiFi list as ubiquityrobot**** where **** will vary from bot to bot.
Connect your computer’s WiFi to ubiquityrobot****. Your computer may ask “Enter the PIN from the router label”…click “Connect using a security key instead”…the default key is “robotseverywhere”.
Open PuTTY, connect to
You may see:
The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:sDDeGZzL8FPY3kMmvhwjPC9wH+mGsAxJL/dNXpoYnsc. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? Answer yes Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/somepath/.ssh/known_hosts). Ignore that.
login as: ubuntu
password: ubuntu
Connecting to Your Network
First, change the hostname so you can recognize the bot on the network:
sudo pifi set-hostname SPUD
sudo reboot
Now the robot’s AP name will now appear as SPUD**** instead of ubiquityrobot****. You will have to connect your laptop to the new name and supply the password again.
Running Some Fun Stuff from PuTTY
move the bot using the keyboard:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
all diagnostics:
rostopic echo /diagnostics
monitor specific topics by using grep to filter the desired data:
rostopic echo /diagnostics | grep -A 1 'Battery'
rostopic echo /diagnostics | grep -A 1 'MotorPower'
rostopic echo /diagnostics | grep -A 1 'FirmwareVersion'
rostopic echo /diagnostics | grep -A 1 'FirmwareDate'
rostopic echo /diagnostics | grep -A 1 'FirmwareOptions'
key shows the battery level in DC voltsMotorPower
key is True when the ESTOP is enabling wheel powerFirmwareVersion
shows the main board firmware versionFirmwareDate
shows the date for the firmwareFirmwareOptions
shows hardware options if enabled
start some navigation routines:
roslaunch magni_demos simple_navigation.launch